If You’re Selling Your Company, Don’t Get Sandbagged

Highlight: Understand how to spot a "sandbag clause" in your purchase and sale agreement and when to add specific anti-sandbag language to the agreement to make it more seller friendly. ***** Hindsight is 20/20 but for the seller of a business it could be a [...]

If You’re Selling Your Company, Don’t Get Sandbagged2017-05-19T12:23:02-07:00

Non-Competition Agreements: Protect YOURSELF. Protect YOUR CLIENT.

Highlight: Many business brokers, lawyers and even accountants are not protecting their clients from the new income inclusion rules in the Income Tax Act. As a professional advisor, failing to do this may expose you to liability. ***** Since the Federal Court of Appeal decisions in Fortino [...]

Non-Competition Agreements: Protect YOURSELF. Protect YOUR CLIENT.2017-05-19T12:23:03-07:00
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